How to create a wall picture collage

homeinterioradvices august 2016Personalizing your home is a good way to make it more relaxing and homely. Decorating an empty wall with a photograph collage is a good way to add colour and personality to your space. Although most picture collages look simple, they require a bit of pre planning. Here’s how to  create that perfect picture collage.

What should you hang – You could start with photographs of you and your loved ones. Starting off with black and whites is a good way to give your collage more structure and make choosing photos a lot easier. You could look at frames of the same size or ones of varying sizes. It is best to choose similar frames for all the photos for your first collage. For cheap frames, go to your local flea market and paint frames that are not the same colour.

Plan your collage – First layout your collage on the floor. It is best to plan your collage around the following shapes; rectangle, diamond or square. For straight rows use a string between two push points to make sure your frames are straight. Collages look best when they are tightly clustered (½ to 1 inch should do). Place your biggest pieces first and then place the small pieces around them.

Test it – Outline your frames on butcher paper and cut them out. Then use tape and place them in the configuration you had planned. Make sure your frames hang at eye level or around 5 feet from the floor.

Get hanging – Install the hangers at the centre of the cutouts and as you hang the frame, pull out the cut outs.